Happy 18th Birthday to VO101

Happy 18th Birthday to VO101

A big THANK YOU to all whom have been part of my voice over coaching journey the past 18-years. I can say it has been a real blessing to have shared my wisdom gained from the school of hard knocks over 35-years.

Voice Acting Gift Certificates | Gift Ideas for Voice Talent

Voice Acting Gift Certificates – Gift Ideas For Voice Talent

Give that special creative person in your life private voice over lessons, a new voice over demo, a full VO101 training plan, and so much more. VO101 offers a unique voice over gift certificate for the stage actor, theater major, producer, director, gamer, animation student, or creative person in your life.

Below are several Voice Over Gift Certificates perfect for the actor in your life, a loved one, friend, child, spouse, or business associate interested in voice overs.

How to Purchase a VO101 Gift Certificate!
1) Select your desired V0101 service gift below.
2) Make your voice over gift certificate payment by PayPal.
3) Complete our gift certificate form to supply recipient details.
4) Then decide where we will send the printable gift certificate by email.

That is all. It is that easy to gift VO101 voice over and voice acting!


VOICE OVER GIFT 1 – $695.00 – LIVE Power Plan. Student can choose from the LIVE beginner, intermediate, or advanced plan with Anthony Reece.  This plan includes 2 LIVE private hour long voice over lessons each week via Zoom video. Your recipient also enjoys 30-days email support, voice over mentoring and voice over recording review.


VOICE OVER GIFT 2 – Single Private Voice Over Lessons: Options include 1, 2 or 3 sixty minute private video or audio lessons. Private voice over training offers your recipient one-on-one coaching with Anthony Reece. The voice-over subject or area can be on ANY voice over topic your recipient desires. Private Power Voice Over Lessons are great for new voice talent, or voice artist in need of honest, objective advice and help. All voice over lessons via Zoom Video.

Select Lesson Option


VOICE OVER GIFT 3 – Professional Voice Over Demos. Creation of a 3 minute voice over demo for your recipient. Anthony offers new voice talent and established voice actors voice over demo production, using current material, and fresh content. Voice over demo production service includes a single 3:00 demo, featuring either radio and tv voice overs, narrations, audio-book samples, game and character voices, or station imaging.

Demo Production Option


VOICE OVER GIFT 4 – Give them a flat DOLLAR amount and let them purchase what they want at VO101. Whether $75, $100, $150 or any amount, they can use it towards any training, or service desired. Click below, complete the PayPal form, enter the time amount and hit end. We will then email you a link to complete our Gift Certificate form, then send you, OR the recipient a Gift Certificate by email. 

Click Here Now