Review of Your Voice Over Business | Voice Over Artist Review | Voice Over Business Consulting
Wondering why you’re NOT getting new business? Think your overall image, or voice artist branding is in need of improvement as a Voice Over Artist This voice over talent review service is for you.
Anthony Reece is more than just another voice over coach! He is also a veteran casting director, advertising executive, media producer, demo producer, broadcaster, and even a webmaster with dozens of voice artist websites, casting communities, retail website design and 25-years of SEO experience under his belt.
This hands-on media experience and social media wisdom can help give you REAL useful and insightful feedback on your marketing, demos, website, p2p’s, listings, advertising, logo, auditions, and entire industry image as a Voice Over Artist.
Ask yourself these questions;
-are my demos really up to speed?
-is my website really competitive?
-are my p2p listings really dialed-in?
-do my auditions reflect my ability?
-are there issues with my sound?
-is my social media presence good?
-do i need a better headshot or logo?
-is my branding really professional?
These are just a few of the items Anthony can review and offer his feedback on, to enhance your overall. Request a complete review of your ENTIRE voice over business image from Anthony Reece.
Make your payment using PayPal below. Remember you can now select PAY LATER if you prefer that option, or pay in-full now. Cost is $199.95.