Top 5 Voice Over Talent Related Services
Voiceover Training Options
Voice Over Coaching | Voice Over Lessons | Voice Over Training
What is voice over coaching?
Voice over coaching is required to get you ready to compete as a voice over talent, voice actor, or narrator within the entertainment industry. Voice over training, assures you are able to be seen as a educated professional voice artist. The best Live Voice Over Training, and Online Voice Over Courses can be found here by voice coach Anthony Reece. VO101 is personally offered by award winning voice over coach and voice over casting director.
He is the founder of VO Radio, a 24/7 voice over internet radio broadcast, in March of 2023, Cartoon Actors a character voice casting website with over 675 voice actors, along with United Voice Talent home to over 825 voice talent at flat hourly rates both now in their 13th year, and his private casting flagship VoiceTOONS launched in 2004.
Anthony Reece. was recently voted one of the Top 10 Voice Over Coaches by 3500 plus members. You will find Voice Over Training for beginners, private voice over lessons, Zoom alacarte voice over lessons and advanced voiceover coaching from a 35 year veteran voice casting director, voice actor, broadcasting professional, and a character voice over talent.
Why train with voice over coach Anthony Reece.
Anthony’s resume includes experience in animation, toys, radio, tv. web radio, sound design, gaming casting, multimedia and website design, along with video production and much more. After 18 years training voice actors, you’ll learn useful voice over tips and take voice over lessons, learning the voice over business.
Discover voiceover techniques from a voice casting director, and voice talent whom has worked with thousands of voice actors, and voice artists worldwide. Learn voice overs with VO101 and gain from Anthony’s voice over and voice over coaching wisdom as both a voice artist and voice casting director.
Learn real world useful voice over techniques.
Voice over lesson coach Anthony Reece teaches how to become a professional voice over talent, or character voice actor, offering voice-over lessons, and free voice over webinars, online voice over courses, live voice over training plans, and voice acting lessons. Anthony has relationships with voice casting sites like, voice123, cartoon actors, united voice talent, backstage, and others.
VO101 also offers a online voice over course, free voice over videos, voice over demo production, voice over website design, voice over consultation, and voice casting advice.
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Contact Anthony Reece today!
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Voice Over, Business and Website Services
Voice Over FAQ'S at VO101
Absolutely yes! That is the name of the game. As many quality auditions you can each day. Yet there is a method to submitting a great audition, so this should be part of any training you undertake.
Can I Enter The Market First to Test the Water?
No! If you do you are seen as a newbie, and can burn very limited important bridges. First impressions are important especially in voice over and acting.
Do I Need a Voice Over Website?
Definitely. People think they can just use a guest profile at the pay to play, social media, or agent website. Truth is, that only exposes the prospect to all the other voice talent on that site. Plus countless other reasons. See the website service for more information.
Do I Really Need a Sound Proof Booth?
Kind of. You really do NOT need a sound proofed booth so to say, but you do need an echo free, reverb free, acoustically dead area to record. This should not be too lively, and should not have all wood floors. Try to use an area that has carpets, and treated walls near the spot where your mic will be placed. Closets work great.
Are DIY Demos ok to Compete?
Would you make your own parachute? No demos should be produced by a veteran producer who understands how to create and mix effective demos. There is a madness to creating great demos. Listen to a few demos produced by Anthony here at VO101.
Webinars; are fine but nothing can replace personal one-on-one training and coaching. Just like taking a few dance classes are fun, private instruction is a must. Anthony also offers live coaching plans, as well as online courses.
Free Voice Over Services
Listen to 2024 Demo Sample Compilation
CHARACTER VOICE DEMO / KATHY: This is the short version of her new mature character voice demo . Package included a long, short and sizzle reel of demo. | COMMERCIAL DEMO / JASON: This is the short version of his commercial demo. Package included a long, short and sizzle reel of demo. | ||
NARRATION DEMO / ROBERT: This is the short version of his new narration demo. The package included a long, short and sizzle reel of demo. | IMPRESSION DEMO / ERIC: This is the short version of his new singer demo. Package included a long, short and sizzle reel of demo. |
Hand-Picked Voice Over Studio Gear at
Amazon Professional Studio Gear - Links
Microphones | Speakers | Pop Screens | Mic Stands |
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Sound Foam | Studio Furniture | Studio Headphones | Mic Wedges |